[THE HELL… ?!] Fixing Problems That Didn’t Need Fixing

Since rebooting this blog (a process, I must say, that has been much simpler than rebooting the Sister Site) I have notice a few old standby posts that have fallen to the wayside. One of which is the The Hell… ?!, in which I rant about the crazy things I have seen or have happen to me. I’ve done only two of them since starting over.

Perhaps this is understandable. I was so much younger and slightly (very slightly) less handsome back when I started things here at Welltun Cares Presents. Not a lot shocks and outrages me any more. I may even have become jaded.

Other things that have dropped away are less understandable. For instance, ranting about how stupid Green Arrow is. This never grows old for me. As well as it shouldn’t, as it’s an ever fresh topic. Everyone should rant about how stupid Green Arrow is. At length. With passion.

It’s shocking more people don’t.


In between these two points of obvious understanding and bewildering disbelief sits a third topic: My love for the comic book character Power Girl.

Talking about her wasn’t necessarily a big part of this blog. It’s not like I’m her biggest fan, after all. I have no action figures. I own one collection of her comics, which, I should add, was given to me as a birthday present. While I know a healthy chunk about her history, I can’t point to individual stories featuring her. In fact, calling myself a fan might not be wholly accurate. I might just like the concept.

That said, unlike with the The Hell… ?! series, where I debated not rebooting, I always considered going back to the Other Maid from Krypton. My problem was that for a while there was so very little new pictures going around. It seemed like DC was avoiding using the character.

Looking at the character over to the right, I can see two reasons why this might be. These days it seems the bigger the reasons, the less likely the character is used. And that’s a damn shame, considering how “tolerant” the world is supposedly getting with diversity.

Today, though, Constant Reader henrybrennan has solved two problems for me. He’s given me another The Hell… !? post AND a blessed reason to talk about Power Girl.

I give you this headline.



Let’s look at the new costume.

Now let’s look at the classic Power Girl costume again:



Now let’s look at Supergirl.

And again, Classic Power Girl.

And, again, that new costume.

Yeeeeeeeeyeah. Not really anything different there, is there?

Portrait of a man on the verge of losing a finger. Among other things.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s probably the best costume… oh God, as I’m typing this, I realized something. They’ve recently changed Power Girl’s secret identify to Paige, and I didn’t get why until just now. It was originally Karen, and now Karen has a nasty stigma to it.

Wow am I dense.

Anyway, nice costume. Not sure about the face, as it doesn’t seem to capture the attitude Power Girl has been known to have (should be more like the right, frankly). Though I do like it.

What I can’t see is how it’s any different a change from what she’s been known to wear. The character was already quite distinctive. And not just because of the usual two reasons.

I dunno. Maybe it’s me. Maybe if I was a paid journalist, I could see how the new costume does anything the old costume doesn’t.

Or, as I have admitted, I am dense. Maybe that’s it. Maybe if I studied both characters really hard, maybe then I’ll see and know better.

Yes! Yes, that’s what I’m going to do. An in depth analysis of the two characters.

Total focus, maximum effort! I got this!

You may never hear from me again.

[WRITING] The Second Novel – Day Two

It’s much worse than the graph lets on. I’m rewriting the opening. Some of the stuff I have now is bound to be tossed.

Early days, and, to be frank, typical. Only plus is that when I worked at Walmart I never came home and wrote. These days, it’s easier.

Finishing the first novel might have helped with that.

Anyways, the goal is finishing Novel #2. The deadline is only there to push me down the path. I should be able to catch up Monday and Tuesday. If not, Wednesday and Thursday are my weekend. Should be able to catch up there.

All this aside, I’m happier tonight than last night, and that’s what counts.

I keep saying to myself.

[WRITING] The Second Novel – Day One

Okay, so apparently NaNoWriMo’s site now lets you track your book whenever you want to do it. Just put in a couple dates and make sure you record your count each day. That’s it.

So today after work I started the Second Novel. Had an outline started up for it and everything. Thought it go smooth.

It did not.

I needed 1613 words. I got 905.

That ain’t good.

Anyways, it’s a start. Hopefully tomorrow will go better.

As an extra bonus, here’s a scene made by one of those AI image creator sites that might give you a slight feel for where I’m going.

Though, honestly? This scene doesn’t happen in the story. At least I don’t think it does. It’s just to give an idea, a sort of feeling, of what I want.

[FICTION] Whisper

Originally published here on May 22, 2018. This version is slightly modified to improve effect.

Fredric Brown did a lot of stories entirely too short for their own good that never the less pack a punch. He’s credited with “The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door…” Which he attached to a longer work called, unsurprisingly, Knock.

This is a long winded way of saying that there’s probably a longer story just waiting to spring from this little one.  Until I think of it (assuming I do) I think it stands well on it’s own.

Whenever I even whisper her name, wherever I am, wherever he is, he hears me.

Ever since, I do it as often as I please. 

Just because I can.

[SISTER SITE] Schedule for the Blog that Actually Updates!

Okay, I had a moment. I kept putting reviews in at the wrong dates. Part of the problem was I decided (not without good reason) to alternate reviews New, Golden Oldie, New, Golden Oldie. That made doing the math in my head… harder.

So today I opened up Scriveners and made a list. Which I leave below. Note I don’t have Golden Oldies done or even picked out yet. That’s the next project. When it’s finished, I should have reviews up to almost the end of the year.

Hopefully more new ones are in bound. Though there’s always October.

Anyhoo, here’s the list of what’s to come, with the new stuff in BOLD:

02/23: The Power
03/01: One Dark Night
03/08: Dark Crystal
03/15: The Conference
03/22: Frisky the 13th
03/29: Killdozer!
04/05: Dead & Buried
04/12: Phantasm
04/19: Godzilla 1985
04/26: Bridge Curse
05/03: Snow Creature
05/10: Ghoulish II
05/17: The Undertaker and His Pals
05/24: The Cat and the Canary
05/31: Virgin Witch
06/07: Kiss of the Vampire
06/14: God monster of Indian Flats
06/21: The Breach
06/28: Fire and Ice
07/05: Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell
07/12: Night of the Cobra Woman
07/19: When Evil Lurks
07/26: Undecided Golden Oldie
08/02: Prince of Darkness
08/09: Undecided Golden Oldie
08/16: Schlock
08/23: Undecided Golden Oldie
08/30: Noroi: The Curse
09/06: Undecided Golden Oldie
09/13: Hospital
09/20: Undecided Golden Oldie
09/27: V/H/S Viral
10/04: Undecided Golden Oldie
10/11: The Barn
10/18: Undecided Golden Oldie
10/25: Dementia 13
11/01: Undecided Golden Oldie
11/08: Superman IV: The Quest For Peace

[ANNOYING AUTO] Is You Is or Is You Ain’t an Earworm

Past few days I’ve had two songs running through my head non-stop.

The first, “Wrap It Up” by the Fabulous Thunderbirds, I understand. I’m making wraps at work, it triggers the song. Fine.

What I don’t understand is why “Is You is or is You Ain’t My Baby” stuck on repeat in my head. And not any version; the version Tom the Cat sings in that old cartoon of his.

I’m not really complaining–I love the song–but it makes no sense to me.